Team Midnight Blue Multimedia BBS

Upload and share pictures of your PSO2 adventures with the team!

Random picture - Late night party
2016/06/18 (Sat) 01:10:51
IDK what happened - But it happened 3
2016/06/13 (Mon) 04:52:39
セ Akkarin present!
IDK what happened - But it happened 2
2016/06/10 (Fri) 08:23:25
セ I'm Egman the hedgehog (tm) oc do not STEEL!
IDK what happened - But it happened 2
2016/06/10 (Fri) 08:10:34
セ Terminal Chao 6.
IDK what happened - But it happened
2016/06/10 (Fri) 08:08:32
セ Because the other two didn't upload properly!
but it happened - Idk what happened
2016/06/10 (Fri) 07:55:46
but this happened - Idk what happened
2016/06/10 (Fri) 07:54:20
Beach Fun - May
2016/06/08 (Wed) 19:02:43
Slide fun - May
2016/06/06 (Mon) 03:29:32
こんにちは 日本語を話せませんw
Late Night pictures :x - Random room picture
2016/06/05 (Sun) 06:11:35
セ Mush Funs :3
Pictures and Screenshots from Phantasy Star Online 2 ©SEGA
This BBS was created for Team Midnight Blue [Ship 7].
Copyright © 剣術作者 All Rights Reserved.